Saturday, January 16, 2010

How to Remove, Change or Delete "Designed by TemplatePlazza" in Joomla 1.5 Template

This article/post is a response to the request of the comment from dbayu in How to Remove or Delete Vinaora Visitors Counter Link article.
In this case (I named it: Case 1 - Resto Plazza Template, because it'll be different case with different template from TemplatePlazza... I guess... ^_^ ...)

Please Note that before we go, I want to tell you that this is Just Sharing All The Things I Know. And Please READ Their "Term Of Use".
Here's what I know:
After "a deep research".. ;-P .. WHOAAA!!!... there're some php file that need to be edited, those are:
- skeleton1.php
- skeleton2.php
- skeleton3.php
- skeleton4.php
- skeletondefault.php
- skeletonmobileandroid.php
- skeletonmobileblackberry.php
- skeletonmobiledefault.php
- skeletonmobileiphone.php
- skeletonmobileopera.php
- skeletonmobilepalm.php
- skeletonmobilewindows.php

We can find those files in (in this case, my localhost site's name is "justsharing"):

Find These:
<!-- ======= BLOCK FOOTERLEFT ======= -->
(in skeleton1.php until skeletondefault.php files)
..... AND .....
<!-- ======= BLOCK FOOTER  ======= -->
(in skeletonmobileandroid.php until skeletonmobilewindows.php)

And Fine This Line:
Designed by <a href="" target="_blank"><strong> TemplatePlazza</strong></a> - All Rights Reserved

I Changed It to:
Managed by <a href="" target="_blank"><strong> jsatik</strong></a> - Just Sharing.

Now, it's up to you to...

You can change "logofooter.png" with yours if you want to.
I'm Not PHP Programmer. I just used my "instinct"... ^_^
WARNING!! This is for education purpose only...


  1. Thank you so much. Exactly what I needed.

  2. Thanks a lotttt!!!!!

  3. cool! thanx a lot!

  4. Gracias, lo necesitaba.

  5. Gracias brother, que joda encontrar ese texto!

  6. Cheers a lot , you don't have any idea how many days you just saved me :D

  7. just sharing, htxx://jSharingxcom">Joomla Just for Sharing - Joomla Club Templates and Extensions at indexxphp tag echo base64_decode...

  8. thanks for your help, you just spared me a headache!

  9. Super! Its working!!!! Reall help!!!!Regards from Russia!

  10. help..kenapa setelah saya hosting template fotoPlaza, logo nya gak muncul ya?,padahal File nya ada pada posisinya kok. (logo Hello there sy ganti dan sdh di sesuaikan dengan ukuran dan jenis file logo aslinya)

  11. any body here can tell me how to change foto plazza logo, plz help


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