Monday, September 6, 2010

How to Remove or Hide RocketTheme and Gantry Logo and Copyright at Footer in Joomla 1.5 Template (2): RT Juxta Case

Not like my other tips and tricks post at "How to Remove, Delete or Hide RocketTheme Logo Image and Copyright at Footer in Joomla 1.5 Template", for RocketTheme RT Juxta Joomla Template, we don't have to "hack" the file to remove, delete or hide "Designed By" and "Copyright" text. Just follow these steps (Just Sharing All The Things I Know):
From Joomla Backend Menu:
1. Extensions>Template Manager
2. Open rt_juxta_j15 template
3. On the "Features" :
  • set "COPYRIGHT" to "ON" and type in text area the words/texts you prefer to.

I don't know if it'll do on others RocketTheme Joomla Templates.
Well, that's all, folks! :-)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to Change or Remove "Designed by" in Joomla 1.5 Template (2)

At the bottom or footer on each joomla template that we use (in this case JA DROID template) have the sentence/phrase "Designed by". Because of one or more of the reasons we want to change or remove the phrase (do not change the original designer name with our name, it violates the Intellectual Property Rights).
For "Copyright" and "Joomla! is Free Software..." sentence, we can edit, change or remove it like we did on default template that distributed with Joomla packet. You can edit "en-GB.mod_footer.ini" file in this folder:
But we can't change, edit or remove "Designed by" with the tips or tricks that I have shared before (How to Change or Remove "designed by" in Joomla 1.5 Template). There's no "template\ja_ (name_of_the_template)\HTML\mod_footer\default.php" anymore.
In the Joomlart new template, in this case JA DROID, that "default.php" is moved to somewhere else folder.
It's painful searching... but at last I can find it and want to share it with you, but remember that this is Just Sharing All The Things I Know...
Well, enough with bla bla bla thing :) , now try to open "default.php" file in this folder:
Now it's up to you to....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How to Change, Remove, Delete or Hide Copyright Text of Quasar Joomla Template from Rockettheme

Thanks to hackerzlab for the idea/suggestion (challenge?) on his/her comment on my "How to Remove, Delete or Hide RocketTheme Logo Image and Copyright at Footer in Joomla 1.5 Template" post. His/her comments:
"how about this new challenge:
can't delete the copyright stuff from the new template: which is available for free."
Because of I'm not a Joomla Master or PHP Programmer, not every case I know the tricks/tips of . I will just show you all I know, in other words Just Sharing All The Things I Know about How to Change, Remove, Delete or Hide Copyright Text of Quasar Joomla 1.5 Template from Rockettheme. So please understand/forgive me if I couldn't help you or I used "a rough way" not "a clean way" of "program rule". ^_^
Well, I will straight to the point:

1. How to Change the Copyright text.

Open the params.ini file in Quasar template folder.
For example: my web folder when I installed Joomla is "justsharing" (I used wampserver). So the params.ini file is in : C:\wamp\www\justsharing\templates\rt_quasar_j15\
Open it with your text editor (if you don't have it, use Wordpad instead of Notepad. But why not use Notepad++ that it's free?).

Find this line:
copyright-text=Copyright 2010 RocketTheme, LLC
Change it to whatever text you prefer.
I changed it to:
copyright-text=Managed by Just Sharing.

Save the file and refresh your browser to see the result.

2. How to Remove, Delete or Hide the Copyright text.

Open the copyright.php file in "feature" subfolder of Quasar Template folder. For example: my web folder when I installed Joomla is "justsharing" (I used wampserver). So the copyright.php file is in: C:\wamp\www\justsharing\templates\rt_quasar_j15\features\
Open it with your text editor (if you don't have it, use Wordpad instead of Notepad. But why not use Notepad++ that it's free?).

Find this line:
<span class="copytext"><?php echo $this->get('text'); ?></span>
Delete that line. Yes, just delete that line. :-)

Save the file and refresh your browser to see the result.

Please comment/let me know if it works or if it does not works to you.

Well, That's all Just Sharing All The Things I Know but it works to me.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How to Remove, Change or Delete "Designed by TemplatePlazza" in Joomla 1.5 Template

This article/post is a response to the request of the comment from dbayu in How to Remove or Delete Vinaora Visitors Counter Link article.
In this case (I named it: Case 1 - Resto Plazza Template, because it'll be different case with different template from TemplatePlazza... I guess... ^_^ ...)

Please Note that before we go, I want to tell you that this is Just Sharing All The Things I Know. And Please READ Their "Term Of Use".
Here's what I know:
After "a deep research".. ;-P .. WHOAAA!!!... there're some php file that need to be edited, those are:
- skeleton1.php
- skeleton2.php
- skeleton3.php
- skeleton4.php
- skeletondefault.php
- skeletonmobileandroid.php
- skeletonmobileblackberry.php
- skeletonmobiledefault.php
- skeletonmobileiphone.php
- skeletonmobileopera.php
- skeletonmobilepalm.php
- skeletonmobilewindows.php

We can find those files in (in this case, my localhost site's name is "justsharing"):

Find These:
<!-- ======= BLOCK FOOTERLEFT ======= -->
(in skeleton1.php until skeletondefault.php files)
..... AND .....
<!-- ======= BLOCK FOOTER  ======= -->
(in skeletonmobileandroid.php until skeletonmobilewindows.php)

And Fine This Line:
Designed by <a href="" target="_blank"><strong> TemplatePlazza</strong></a> - All Rights Reserved

I Changed It to:
Managed by <a href="" target="_blank"><strong> jsatik</strong></a> - Just Sharing.

Now, it's up to you to...

You can change "logofooter.png" with yours if you want to.
I'm Not PHP Programmer. I just used my "instinct"... ^_^
WARNING!! This is for education purpose only...

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