Friday, October 30, 2009

How to Change or Remove YOOtheme Copyright Link at Footer in Joomla 1.5 Template

Thanks to visit my blog (to my loyal visitor: we meet again). Sorry for my late post due to internet connection problem I got lately. So you want to know how to change or remove Yootheme copyright link at footer in Joomla 1.5 Template? So did I.
I have tried to search each file like I did to change or remove Copyright and designed by cases. Those two cases i solved by edited the php file related to each templates. In this case I feel like fooled (stupid me, but not dumb.. hehe). But don't worry my friends..
EUREKA!!! I Found it.

Before we go, I want to tell you that this is Just Sharing All The Things I Know. And please read this (part of YOOtheme "Terms of use"):

2.4. Modifications

You are allowed to make any changes and modifications in the templates or products to suit your needs. It is not permitted to change or remove the copyright information in the source code. This includes the XML descriptor file and all PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS files distributed with our products. Of course, any visual copyrights, for example the copyrights in the template footer, can be removed.

However, you are not allowed to resale or redistribute these changes and modifications as GPL or other licenses. It is strictly prohibited to port YOOtheme templates and templates included in our extensions to other platforms and content management systems.

Now... Here We Go Again and This is It:
1. Login to Joomla Administrator Backend;
2. Go to Extensions -> Module Manager;
3. Search the Footer Module (with the Type: mod_custom, not mod_footer)
4. Just open it and look at "Custom Output", there you'll find the words "Validates to XHTML 1.0 and CSS 3" and "Copyright (c) 2009 YOOtheme";
5. Now it's up to you to... :=) .
Thanks to my blog's loyalty visitors for always visiting my blog. (Sorry for my bad english.. :=) .. but hope you still can read between the line).

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How to Install Windows XP on Acer Aspire 4732z Laptop

A few days ago, my friend bought an Acer Aspire 4732z laptop, and then he asked me for help to install Windows XP on Acer Aspire 4732z Laptop. I received, with confidence, the laptop and his Windows XP Original CD. (This case is how to).
First, I set the bios (press the F2 key at boot), then I went into the Boot menu to determine the order of booting from the CD and I save it, then insert the Windows XP CD into the CD Drive and restart.
I follow the standard steps installation of Windows XP. The problem occured when loading windows for the installation, the blue screen appears (the term if the computer screen displays a blue screen, a sign that there is hardware conflict / no support).
I tried again until a couple of times, but remained the same result.
Then I tried to enter bios again, this time I tried to check the SATA mode. There was a choice of IDE and AHCI. AHCI mode selected by default. I try changing to IDE mode. Then I restart the laptop again, repeat the installation process.
Voilla...!! The Installation went smoothly like a charm.
Information from Acer Service Center that i got:
SATA AHCI mode is used for Windows VISTA. IDE mode is used for Windows XP.

Original version is in Indonesian can found in ekomath93 blog. Thanks to him.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Can't Download File from with Firefox Browser

Have you tried to download file from with firefox browser but the browser only show uploading site header and there is no link (link download location file) showed, so you can't download from their site.
It's because of Adblock Plus Addons if you have it with firefox. In other words, Firefox with Adblock Plus addons can't download from To solve this problem, here is the tips n tricks steps:

1. Click on little triangle next to ABP Icon at the upper left of firefox browser.
2. Make "Disable on" or "Disable on this page only" selected.
3. Now we can open page and download from their site without problem.

Earn Money from each Files you Share in

Monday, October 5, 2009

How to Remove or Delete Vinaora Visitors Counter Link

Now i want to show you how to remove or delete vinaora visitors counter link ("visitors counter" link at the bottom module). This module shows you the number of your site's visitors. Oh, in this case i used vinaora visitors counter 1.7.3 joomla 1.5 module. And Note that this is Just Sharing All The Things I Know. Nothing else. So here we go... Vinaora visitors counter remove link :

1. Go to folder: modules\mod_vvisit_counter\tmpl\
2. Open or edit default.php file with text editor you favored. :)
3. Go to bottom line until you find these lines:

$html .= '<div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://vina';
$html .= '" target="_self" title="Vinaora Visit';
$html .= 'ors Counter '.VERSION_MODULE.' for Joomla!" style="border:0px none; text-decoration:none; ">';
$html .= 'Visitors Counter</a></div>';
$html .= '</div>';

4. Now just delete the first 4 lines ( yes, just delete :P )
5. DON'T DELETE THIS LINE : $html .= '</div>';
6. If you prefer not to delete, make it as comment by add // before the line, like this :

// $html .= '<div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://vina';
// $html .= '" target="_self" title="Vinaora Visit';
// $html .= 'ors Counter '.VERSION_MODULE.' for Joomla!" style="border:0px none; text-decoration:none; ">';
// $html .= 'Visitors Counter</a></div>';
$html .= '</div>';

7. Save the file and refresh the browser to see the result.

That's All.

PS: This Joomla 1.5 Module is under GPL License. Read Explained Article by Lawrence Rosen.

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