Thursday, April 30, 2009

SEO Tips n Tricks to Increase Search Engine Ranking

These are some SEO Tips n Tricks to Increase Search Engine Ranking for our blog:
1. Use keyword or keyword phrase in our blog post titles.
2. Use keyword or keyword phrase within the first paragraph of our blog post.
3. Use keyword or keyword phrase as hyperlinks within our blog posts.
4. Use heading tags and include our keywords within them.
5. Use our keyword or keyword phrase around links in our posts.
6. Use our keyword or keyword phrase to name images used in our posts.
7. Include our keyword phrase in our blog’s URL.
8. Ask for incoming links from similar sites.
9. Use variations of our keyword or keyword phrase.
10. Intralink our blog posts.
11. Post frequently.
12. Comment on other blogs and in online forums and groups.
13. Build relationships.
14. Write useful content.
(Summary in part of Google Blogger for Dummies E-book)

See my related posts:
Introduction to Blog.
Blog Optimization.
Considering Your Options Before You Write Blog Posts!


  1. Great tips. this will help in making my website hit the rankings

  2. ya its really useful tips i try to implement in my blog link

  3. nice free tips for blog user also

  4. Hi! Thank you so much for posting this. Using link building and SEO tools in an efficient manner can definitely give your Google page ranks a boost. I'm looking forward to more helpful blog posts from you! Have a good one!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. wow! It's an awesome post regarding SEO Tips n Tricks to Increase Search Engine Ranking. I appreciate your well described writing. Really useful! Thanks for sharing this.

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