Thursday, December 31, 2009

How to Change or Remove Copyright: Case 2

People, sometimes, in their joomla template don't want to display the copyright info or change it with their (information) texts/words. Well, for who can't figure out where "the folder or file" is or when you can't find the link.php file like I describe in my "How to Change or Remove Copyright" post. Try to find it in index.php template's file. In this case I used My Blog Youjoomla Template.
For example: when I first time extract joomla packet before installation process, I extracted it to "C:\wamp\www\justsharing" folder. And then after installation done, I install youjoomla template ("my blog" template from youjoomla). So the folder where index.php file is in "C:\wamp\www\justsharing\templates\myblog".
Now find: div class="copyright", here you can change or "remove" copyright words.

In Joomla 1.5 Backend go to Extensions > Template Manager > (click) MyBlog (on Template Name to open template's Details and Parameters).
Open/click "Edit HTML".
Find the tag: <div class="copyright">
Now you can edit the text and link in that tag as you need.

Hope it help you all.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How to Remove, Delete or Hide RocketTheme Logo Image and Copyright at Footer in Joomla 1.5 Template

In RocketTheme Joomla 1.5 template (in this case, Akiraka RocketTheme Template) if you want to remove, delete or hide RocketTheme logo at footer, you can do that by change "Show Copyright Information" option to "No" in RocketTheme Template Parameters in Joomla Administrator Backend. But it will hide or remove the footer included the text: "(c) Copyright 2009, All Right Reserved".
So, you have to use default joomla footer module if you want the footer show in your site template (using joomla default footer module will show "Restore Default Setting" and "Return to Top image" too).
Here, I want to show you some tips n tricks that i know how to remove, delete or hide RocketTheme logo at footer but still want to use the RocketTheme's text footer.
Plese note that this is Just Sharing All The Things I Know.

There're 2 (two) files that need to edited in (rt_akiraka_j15) template folder:
1. index.php (remove RocketTheme logo)
2. en-GB.tpl_rt_akiraka_j15.ini (modify text: (c) Copyright 2009, All Right Reserved)

The Steps:

1. index.php

Open "index.php" file and look at line 417, i mean this line:
<a href="" title="<?php echo JText::_('ROCKETTHEME_JTC'); ?>" id="rocket" class="png"></a>

It up to you either just delete that line or make that as a comment, like this:
// <a href="" title="<?php echo JText::_('ROCKETTHEME_JTC'); ?>" id="rocket" class="png"></a>

Maybe you just want to change its logo to your logo (and link), it's up to you. (How about logo image dimension?)

We're half way to go.

2. en-GB.tpl_rt_akiraka_j15.ini

Now, open "en-GB.tpl_rt_akiraka_j15.ini" file.
Change, modify or remove the text after "=" sign.

This is what I did:

SLOGAN=Just Sharing All The Things I Know
COPYRIGHT=Managed by Just Sharing All The Things I Know.
INC_FONT_SIZE=Increase Font Size
DEC_FONT_SIZE=Decrease Font Size
RETURN_TO_TOP=Return to Top
ROCKETTHEME_JTC=RocketTheme Joomla Templates Club

If you want to change "copyright" word with "managed by", you need to remove or delete "©" sign at line 419 in "index.php" file to remove the copyright sign.

Hope that's useful.

Sorry (again) for my english :P .
Related Articles:
1. How to Change or Remove YOOtheme Copyright Link at Footer in Joomla 1.5 Template.
2. How to Remove or Delete Vinaora Visitors Counter Link.
3. How to Change or Remove "designed by" in Joomla 1.5 Template.
4. How to Change or Remove Copyright.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

How to Change or Remove Icetheme Logo, Dash Images and IceTheme Copyright in Joomla 1.5 Template Footer

Now let's we discussion about how to change or remove Icetheme Logo, Dash Images and IceTheme Copyright in Joomla 1.5 template footer. In this case, I used IceTheme ViewPoint Template.

Scissors and Dash Images

Scissors and dash images can removed by editing general.css file in Folder:
Templates -> it_(template_name) -> css -> general.css
Find ".wrapper" (without quotes) make some lines as comment.

Here's what i did:

.wrapper_full { width:100%;margin:0 auto;}
/* .wrapper { width:840px; margin:0 auto;} */


/* #copyright .wrapper {
background:url(../images/copyright_cut.png) no-repeat 100% 0;
padding-top:12px;} */


#copyright .padding {
/* border-top-width:4px;
border-top-style:dashed; */
margin:0 22px;

Or tried to customize it yourself.

IceTheme Logo

For IceTheme Logo in footer, i didn't use Template Manager -> Parameter Option in joomla 1.5 Backend because they will check if you have illegally disable this parameter (they said/claim in parameter tooltips). I don't know if what i did will "work". I just deleted this line in index.php file in "it_viewpoint" template folder:
<p id="icelogo"><a href="">
<img src="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/<?php echo
$this->template ?>/images/icetheme.png" alt="<?php echo
JText::_("ICETHEMECOPY");?>" class="png" /></a></p>

I'm not an PHP Programmer :((
But I hope it still usefull.
Any Suggestion?

If you have purchased the template and the right to remove Icetheme Logo:
1. Go to Joomla Administrator Backend
2. Go to Extensions -> Template Manager
3. Click Icetheme Template Name to edit template
4. Scroll down until you find IceTheme Logo setting and set it to No.

Related Articles:
1. How to Change or Remove YOOtheme Copyright Link at Footer in Joomla 1.5 Template.
2. How to Remove or Delete Vinaora Visitors Counter Link.
3. How to Change or Remove "designed by" in Joomla 1.5 Template.
4. How to Change or Remove Copyright.

Friday, October 30, 2009

How to Change or Remove YOOtheme Copyright Link at Footer in Joomla 1.5 Template

Thanks to visit my blog (to my loyal visitor: we meet again). Sorry for my late post due to internet connection problem I got lately. So you want to know how to change or remove Yootheme copyright link at footer in Joomla 1.5 Template? So did I.
I have tried to search each file like I did to change or remove Copyright and designed by cases. Those two cases i solved by edited the php file related to each templates. In this case I feel like fooled (stupid me, but not dumb.. hehe). But don't worry my friends..
EUREKA!!! I Found it.

Before we go, I want to tell you that this is Just Sharing All The Things I Know. And please read this (part of YOOtheme "Terms of use"):

2.4. Modifications

You are allowed to make any changes and modifications in the templates or products to suit your needs. It is not permitted to change or remove the copyright information in the source code. This includes the XML descriptor file and all PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS files distributed with our products. Of course, any visual copyrights, for example the copyrights in the template footer, can be removed.

However, you are not allowed to resale or redistribute these changes and modifications as GPL or other licenses. It is strictly prohibited to port YOOtheme templates and templates included in our extensions to other platforms and content management systems.

Now... Here We Go Again and This is It:
1. Login to Joomla Administrator Backend;
2. Go to Extensions -> Module Manager;
3. Search the Footer Module (with the Type: mod_custom, not mod_footer)
4. Just open it and look at "Custom Output", there you'll find the words "Validates to XHTML 1.0 and CSS 3" and "Copyright (c) 2009 YOOtheme";
5. Now it's up to you to... :=) .
Thanks to my blog's loyalty visitors for always visiting my blog. (Sorry for my bad english.. :=) .. but hope you still can read between the line).

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How to Install Windows XP on Acer Aspire 4732z Laptop

A few days ago, my friend bought an Acer Aspire 4732z laptop, and then he asked me for help to install Windows XP on Acer Aspire 4732z Laptop. I received, with confidence, the laptop and his Windows XP Original CD. (This case is how to).
First, I set the bios (press the F2 key at boot), then I went into the Boot menu to determine the order of booting from the CD and I save it, then insert the Windows XP CD into the CD Drive and restart.
I follow the standard steps installation of Windows XP. The problem occured when loading windows for the installation, the blue screen appears (the term if the computer screen displays a blue screen, a sign that there is hardware conflict / no support).
I tried again until a couple of times, but remained the same result.
Then I tried to enter bios again, this time I tried to check the SATA mode. There was a choice of IDE and AHCI. AHCI mode selected by default. I try changing to IDE mode. Then I restart the laptop again, repeat the installation process.
Voilla...!! The Installation went smoothly like a charm.
Information from Acer Service Center that i got:
SATA AHCI mode is used for Windows VISTA. IDE mode is used for Windows XP.

Original version is in Indonesian can found in ekomath93 blog. Thanks to him.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Can't Download File from with Firefox Browser

Have you tried to download file from with firefox browser but the browser only show uploading site header and there is no link (link download location file) showed, so you can't download from their site.
It's because of Adblock Plus Addons if you have it with firefox. In other words, Firefox with Adblock Plus addons can't download from To solve this problem, here is the tips n tricks steps:

1. Click on little triangle next to ABP Icon at the upper left of firefox browser.
2. Make "Disable on" or "Disable on this page only" selected.
3. Now we can open page and download from their site without problem.

Earn Money from each Files you Share in

Monday, October 5, 2009

How to Remove or Delete Vinaora Visitors Counter Link

Now i want to show you how to remove or delete vinaora visitors counter link ("visitors counter" link at the bottom module). This module shows you the number of your site's visitors. Oh, in this case i used vinaora visitors counter 1.7.3 joomla 1.5 module. And Note that this is Just Sharing All The Things I Know. Nothing else. So here we go... Vinaora visitors counter remove link :

1. Go to folder: modules\mod_vvisit_counter\tmpl\
2. Open or edit default.php file with text editor you favored. :)
3. Go to bottom line until you find these lines:

$html .= '<div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://vina';
$html .= '" target="_self" title="Vinaora Visit';
$html .= 'ors Counter '.VERSION_MODULE.' for Joomla!" style="border:0px none; text-decoration:none; ">';
$html .= 'Visitors Counter</a></div>';
$html .= '</div>';

4. Now just delete the first 4 lines ( yes, just delete :P )
5. DON'T DELETE THIS LINE : $html .= '</div>';
6. If you prefer not to delete, make it as comment by add // before the line, like this :

// $html .= '<div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://vina';
// $html .= '" target="_self" title="Vinaora Visit';
// $html .= 'ors Counter '.VERSION_MODULE.' for Joomla!" style="border:0px none; text-decoration:none; ">';
// $html .= 'Visitors Counter</a></div>';
$html .= '</div>';

7. Save the file and refresh the browser to see the result.

That's All.

PS: This Joomla 1.5 Module is under GPL License. Read Explained Article by Lawrence Rosen.

Friday, September 11, 2009

How to disable hide remove blogger navbar navigation bar

Here is the tips n tricks how to disable hide remove blogger navbar navigation bar :

1. Sign in to your blogger account and click the layout button.
2. Next, click the edit html tab under the Layout tab
3. Add the css/html code below as specified in the picture below.

#navbar {
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
display: none;

- OR -

#navbar-iframe {
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
display: none;

4. Save the changes.
You can see now your blog without navbar (navigation bar). Note that this tips n' tricks only hides the navbar, it does not completely delete it. If you want it to appear again, just remove the code and save the change.

Hope it's usefull.

Friday, September 4, 2009

How to Translate Text to Binary/Hex/Base64/Dec/Char

Saw that some people started translating text to binary/hex/base64 etc in their comments or messages, in other side people who don't get it, curious How to Translate Text to Binary/Hex/Base64/Dec/Char, want to know the tips n tricks. So thought i would share this useful tools in site and quite complete encodes and decodes ASCII and ANSI text that helps translate fast.
Site: Translator Binary.
HAVE FUN! (01001000 01000001 01010110 01000101 00100000 01000110 01010101 01001110 00100001)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 with SP2

Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 with SP2 848 mb

Building on the strengths of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007, Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 provides teams and organizations with the most comprehensive set of tools to collect and consolidate any type of information, find what they are looking for quickly, and easily share critical information with others across geographic or organizational boundaries, whether working online or offline. Included in Office Enterprise 2007 are Microsoft Office Groove 2007, which provides a rich and secure collaboration environment for teams to work together, regardless of location and with minimal IT support, and Microsoft Office OneNote 2007, which provides complete information management capabilities for any type of electronic content, helping information workers and project teams to deliver better results faster.

Download Location :

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Blog Optimization

Google Blogger For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Search engine optimization is the process of generating traffic through search engines. 80% -90% of visitors come from search engines so It become a necessity for websites. High Rankings mean more visitors. The same concept also applies to blogs. However, many owners of blogs are not aware of their potential to be more visible on the web. "I just updated from time to time and that's all". Given the large number of blogs online today, from personal blogs to corporate, all your efforts will only lose, if you do not do blog optimization.

Can blogs be optimized, too? of course. Should be done for the benefit of its readers and search engines. Although the process is very similar to the standard search engine optimization, it's a bit different. Here are some tips you can do to get started:

Monday, August 31, 2009

DFX Audio Enhancer 9.107 Complete with Bonus Skins

DFX Audio Enhancer 9.107 Complete with Bonus Skins RAR 20.5 MB
Give your digital music files more vibrancy with DFX® Audio Enhancer. DFX enhances your music listening experience by improving the sound quality of MP3, Windows Media, Internet radio and other music files. With DFX you can transform the sound of your PC into that of an expensive stereo system placed in a perfectly designed listening environment. Renew stereo depth, boost your audio levels and produce a deep, rich bass sound.

Download Location :
Download DFX Audio Enhancer on
Download DFX Audio Enhancer on Word 2007 Formatting Long Documents Word 2007 Formatting Long Documents David Rivers 3/5/2009
Duration: 4:42 Hours English ISO in RAR 175 MB

Whether it’s a short story, a product catalog, a technical manual, or a business report, every document needs a compelling format. Although the content and the length may differ, long documents have similar formatting challenges. In Word 2007: Formatting Long Documents, David Rivers uses his 20 years of training expertise to demonstrate efficient methods of formatting entire documents and making changes to specific sections and pages. He covers the details of how to use field codes and building blocks to streamline the workflow, and shares best practices for producing printed documents with a professional look. Exercise files accompany the course.

Download Location:

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Flash MX Games: ActionScript for Artists

Flash MX Games: ActionScript for Artists
Publisher: Focal Press ISBN: 0240519035 edition 2004 PDF 455 pages 13,55 mb

"The examples and explanations are clear and thorough... Nik does a good job of keeping the pace upbeat and making the reader feel involved... for those people who are interested in how to make games and how to improve their coding, it is a worthwhile investment." Adam Tracksler,

"Superbly written throughout, this is the Flash MX book that all aspiring game designers have been waiting for... the author effortlessly explains the intricate detail of the ActionScript language." Computer Arts magazine, 5/5

Download Location : -

Friday, August 28, 2009

JoomlaPraise Simple Shop Remix Joomla Template

JoomlaPraise Simple Shop Remix Joomla Template

Simple Joomla! Ecommerce Template
Simple Shop Remix is the easiest cart in Joomla! Simple Shop Remix combines the best features of Joomla! and the simple shopping cart Foxycart!

This template was remixed from JoomlaBamboo's Simple Shop template.


* Awesome Inspiration from JoomlaBamboo
* Remixed from JoomlaBamboo
* Integrate with Foxycart
* Harness the simplicity and power of Foxycart using the free Foxycart Joomla! Integrator from JoomExtend
* 11 Module Positions
* Module Positions to suit your needs.
* Custom Width
* Make your site your way with a custom width parameter. Choose a pixel (px) value or percentage (%).
* 1, 2, or 3 Columns
* Quickly change from Left/Right, 2 Left, or 2 Right columns.
* Choose Font Family for Body & Headings
* Choose from Arial, Times New Roman, Georgia, and Courier New.
* Custom Font, Link, and Link Hover colors
* You choose the colors of the body font color and/or link and link hover colors.

Download Location : -

JA Lead Joomla Template

JA Lead Joomla Template - 10 impressive themes for Joomla show biz

Striving for versatile template sets, we do deploy color variants as the first base driving us to that streamline, apart from functional addons. To our utmost efforts, our second June template JA Lead comes available with up to 10 impressive themes, idealy featuring fashion sites, show biz, popular performing arts ect., JA Lead sees a small but helpful module JA Twitter, enabling you to track your twitter update right on your Joomla site. JA Lead also integrates some popular modules in our lineup JA News, JA slideshow, JA Content slider, JA Tabs and JA Bulletin. These small apps organize your Joomla contents items in a flexible manner, for annimation effects, graphic presentation and static contents.

We do not mean one-size-fit-all design, just hope Joomla users to develop and rapidly deploy multiple types of templates from a single instance of the Joomla platform.

An Overview of JA Lead features:
* Modern and beautiful web typeface
* 3 columns layout based template
* 10 color options: Default, Blue, Coffee, Gem, Grass, Green, Handwritten Dark, Handwritten Light, Nautilus, Orange
* Tableless design and 100% CSS-based
* Joomla 1.5.x compatible
* 3 Menu options: JA Split menu, JA Css menu, JA Moo menu
* XHTML 1.0 Transitional
* CSS Validates
* Valid 508 Accessibility
* Well-commented template_css.css and index.php file for flexible customization
* Cross Browser Support

Download Location : -

You Tutorial Joomla Template for Joomla 1.5

You Tutorials Joomla Personal Blogger template is available for download. Enhanced with new Mootools sliding tabs , 3 amazing color styles, 19 module positions and more.

We adopted new and advanced Joomla frontpage styling that takes off the standard Joomla template look and gives your more flexibility and uniqueness.

You Tutorials features:
* 100% Tableless Design
* XHTML Valid
* CSS Valid
* 508 Valid
* 19 fully collapsible module positions
* PSD files included
* Joomla 1.5 template
* Default Suckerfish dropdown menu
* SMooth Dropdown menu (using mootools)
* Dropline Joomla menu
* SMooth Dropline menu (using mootools)
* Split menu
* 3 new color styles
* Server side Compression New!
* Advanced sliding pannel
* Light weight and blazing fast
* Demo Starter Joomla 1.5.10
* Extended Typography styles
* IE6 png fix
* Adjustable width 1024px 800px
* Font resizing
* SEO features build in

Download Location : -

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sandboxie 3.38 and Keys

Sandboxie 3.38 and Keys runs your programs in an isolated space which prevents them from making permanent changes to other programs and data in your computer.

The red arrows indicate changes flowing from a running program into your computer. The box labeled Hard disk (no sandbox) shows changes by a program running normally. The box labeled Hard disk (with sandbox) shows changes by a program running under Sandboxie. The animation illustrates that Sandboxie is able to intercept the changes and isolate them within a sandbox, depicted as a yellow rectangle. It also illustrates that grouping the changes together makes it easy to delete all of them at once.

Benefits of the Isolated Sandbox

  • Secure Web Browsing: Running your Web browser under the protection of Sandboxie means that all malicious software downloaded by the browser is trapped in the sandbox and can be discarded trivially.
  • Enhanced Privacy: Browsing history, cookies, and cached temporary files collected while Web browsing stay in the sandbox and don't leak into Windows.
  • Secure E-mail: Viruses and other malicious software that might be hiding in your email can't break out of the sandbox and can't infect your real system.
  • Windows Stays Lean: Prevent wear-and-tear in Windows by installing software into an isolated sandbox.

Download Location : -

Sunday, August 23, 2009

PCMAV 2.1 Fixed Update Build2

PCMAV 2.1 Fixed Update Build2 now can detect 10 new viruses variant, total 2883 + 20 viruses.
Now it fixed from detected as virus by other AntiVirus product such as Avast, McAfee, Norton etc.
Bagi Anda pengguna PCMAV 2.1 sangat disarankan segera melakukan update terutama yang menggunakan antivirus bersamaan dengan antivirus selain PCMAV, agar PCMAV 2.1 Anda tidak terdeteksi sebagai virus oleh produk antivirus lain dan dapat mengenali serta membasmi virus lebih banyak lagi.

Download Location : -

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Windows XP Professional SP3 Corporate Edition ( UNALTERED EDITION )

Windows XP Professional SP3

Product Features

  • Navigation is improved and made easier with the use of the new Task-based Visual Design. Tasks are accessible through new and clearer visual cues.
  • Setting up a new Microsoft Windows XP Pro based computer is easy using the Migration Tools that allows users to migrate all their data and programs from an old computer to a new one.
  • Microsoft Windows XP Pro offers an extremely high level of security by offering an Encrypting File System that uses a randomly generated key to protect files from unauthorized access by hackers and data thieves.
  • There are an increased number of programs that the Operating System can run and an option to set up the system in compatibility mode so that even programs that are not supported by Microsoft Windows XP Pro can be run.
  • An improved Multi Language Support allows the user to create and edit documents in a variety of different languages.

This version is a copy of xp SP0 with the SP3 update slipstreamed using the microsoft command line method not nlite( because it adds its own files). CD Key included in file.

There have been no alterations you will have to install Media Player and Internet Explorer updates etc.. because i've not added them.

Completely virus free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

PCMAV 2.1 Update Build1

PCMAV 2.1 Update Build1 can detect 10 new viruses variant (2883 + 10).
a. UPDATED! Ditambahkan database pengenal dan pembersih 70 virus lokal/asing/varian baru yang dilaporkan menyebar di Indonesia. Total 2883 virus beserta variannya, termasuk varian virus Conficker dan Sality polymorphic nan-kompleks dan canggih, yang banyak beredar di Indonesia telah dikenal di versi 2.1 ini.
b. NEW! Engine khusus untuk menangani dengan tuntas sampai ke akar-akarnya sejumlah 4 varian virus Sality jenis polymorphic (302/304/309/400) yang mampu menginfeksi file .EXE dan .SCR, serta mampu bersemayam di memory sebagai trojan.
c. IMPROVED! Ditambahkan pembersih khusus yang dapat menangani virusAutoit.EE yang banyak menyebar di Indonesia.
d. IMPROVED! Engine heuristik untuk mendeteksi varian virus polymorphic nan-kompleks yang banyak beredar di Indonesia.
e. BUG FIXED! Kesalahan deteksi (false alarm) heuristik pada beberapa program dan script.
f. IMPROVED! Perubahan beberapa nama virus mengikuti varian baru yang ditemukan.
g. IMPROVED! Perbaikan beberapa minor bug dan improvisasi kode internal untuk memastikan bahwa PCMAV tetap dapat menjadi antivirus kebanggaan Indonesia.
Added list of new viruses that PCMAV 2.1 Update Build1 can detect:

Download Location: -

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 - Flash CS4 Professional Tools for Character Animation - Flash CS4 Professional Tools for Character Animation

The animation tools have been greatly enhanced in Flash CS4, and Todd Perkinsteaches their advanced capabilities in Flash CS4 Professional Tools for CharacterAnimation. He shows how to master the new Motion Tween model and the Motion Editorto control easing and effects such as Squash and Stretch. He demonstrates how touse the new 3D tools to add rotation, perspective shadows, and layered animations.Complex interactive animations and walk cycles are created without a line of codeusing bone systems. Todd also demonstrates the power of advanced masking, soundeffect syncing, and much more. Exercise files accompany the course.

Download Location :

Photoshop CS4: Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks

Photoshop CS4: Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks | Pdf | 35 Mb

You already know Photoshop CS4 basics. Now you'd like to go beyond with shortcuts, tricks, and tips that let you work smarter and faster. And because you learn more easily when someone shows you how, this is the book for you. Inside, you'll find clear, illustrated instructions for 100 tasks that reveal cool secrets, teach timesaving tricks, and explain great tips guaranteed to make you more productive with Photoshop CS4.

How easy is it?
Look for these symbols marking the difficulty of each task.

  • Demonstrates a new spin on a common task

  • Introduces a new skill or a new task

  • Combines multiple skills requiring in-depth knowledge

Requires extensive skill and may involve other technologies

  • Minimal text and maximum illustrations

  • Task-oriented, step-by-step approach

  • Navigational aids connect instructions to illustrations

  • Self-contained, two-page lessons

  • Uniform layout makes it easy to read less, learn more

Download Location : -

Director MX 2004 Games: Game Development with Macromedia Director

Director MX 2004 Games: Game Development with Macromedia Director PDF 11.5 Mb

Book Description
Learn the professional skills you need to create both 2d and 3d games with Director

Product Description
Nik Lever guides designers, animators and web developers through the art, animation and programming skills needed to produce games in Director for Internet, CD or DVD distribution. He moves from the introductory coverage of Lingo with explanations of how easily Director's programming language can be mastered, on to more advanced tips and tricks, including coverage of the Havok physics simulation system and 3D maths. All of this is presented in a non-technical language from the artist's viewpoint, written by a professional who makes his living designing successful games with this versatile package.

Download Location : -

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 CSS Positioning Best Practices CSS Positioning Best Practices | 336.96 MB

Web designers and coders will be introduced to techniques to improve their results in CSS Positioning Best Practices. Beginning with a brief review of CSS, instructor Bill Weinman demonstrates how to position elements on a page using CSS instead of tables.
He then goes step by step through the process of using CSS positioning to lay out pages that have traditionally been laid out using HTML tables. Exercise files accompany the course.

Software works on: Mac and Windows.

Download Location :
Part_1 - Part_2 - Part_3

Monday, August 10, 2009

Adobe Photoshop CS3 A-Z

Adobe Photoshop CS3 A-Z: Tools and Features Illustrated Ready Reference by Philip Andrews

Photoshop users of all levels need access to the crucial information in a flash. Techniques books provide the step-by-step instructions and how-to advice but this easy to navigate, dip-into guide provides quick answers to the inevitable 'what does that do?' questions that all too often bring progress to a grinding halt. The full colour A to Z format covers hundreds of tools, features and menu options clearly and succinctly, with cross-references to related topics, screen shots and illustrative examples to help things fall into place. A new techniques section delves deeper into key areas, providing more instruction on essential tasks in an easy, step-by-step format. Fully updated with new CS3 features throughout, this is the Photoshop desk reference to adorn every digital image-maker's shelf.
* Intuitive A to Z format and clear, concise definitions make this the ideal desk reference guide to Photoshop's multitude of tools, options and features.
* Find the explanations, answers and practical advice you need to quickly get on with the task in hand - don't waste time looking anywhere else!
* Fully updated for CS3, with source images from the book and supporting tutorials provided on the accompanying website:

Download Location : -

The Adobe Photoshop CS4 Layers Book

Richard Lynch "The Adobe Photoshop CS4 Layers Book: Harnessing Photoshop’s most powerful tool" Feb 2009 English ISBN-13: 978-0-240-52155-8 320 Pages PDF 15.6 MB

MasterPhotoshop CS4 with this visual, hands-on guide to using layers, under the expert guidance of digital imaging specialist Richard Lynch. Layers, Photoshop's most powerful feature, is the core of a nondestructive image-editing workflow.
Step-by-step instructions and practical examples illustrate how to.
  • Polish: correct and enhance color, fix composition problems, and repair damage or flaws
  • Manipulate: isolate image areas for changes, adjustments and experimental concepts
  • Understand: use all forms of layer blending, including transparency, clipping masks, opacity/fill, layer masks, layer modes, channel targeting, Blend If, and Effects/Styles
    This focused, highly accurate, comprehensive, and practical guide offers invaluable advice for all users of Adobe Photoshop CS4.
  • Unleash the full power of Layers in Photoshop for limitless non-destructive creative image editing* Step-by-step real-life projects take you through every aspect of the layers tool, including masking, blending, and modes, all in the context of a practical photoshop workflow.
Download Location : -

PCMAV v2.0d Update Build 4

Indonesian Antivirus PCMAV v2.0d Update Build 4 can detect 2.813 + 40 viruses.

Download Location : -

Photoshop CS3 for Screen Printers

Photoshop CS3 for Screen Printers | Pdf in Rar file | 18,6 Mb

Product Description
Photoshop CS3 for Screen Printers details the features of Photoshop CS3 and explains how to utilize the software in print facilities. This book takes you through the process step-by-step with a number of projects relating specifically to the needs of screen printers that range from configuring settings and creating custom background colors to building images with layers and colorizing images.

Download Location : -

Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks

Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks
New Riders Press | 2009 | ISBN: 0321563174 | 360 pages | PDF | 64,2 MB

Product Description

Scott Kelby, co-host of Photoshop User TV and the world’s #1 bestselling Photoshop author, is back to unlock the secrets of an amazing new collection of the latest eye-popping, jaw-dropping, Photoshop special effects—the same kind that made Scott’s previous editions of this book one of the top selling Photoshop books in history.

You’ll learn some of the most closely guarded Photoshop CS4 special effects—the same ones you see on TV, in magazines, and on the Web. Using Scott’s simple step-by-step method, with hundreds of full-color images, you’ll see exactly how it’s all done. The book is written so clearly, and it is so easy to follow, you’ll immediately be able to create all of these effects yourself. You’ll learn:

• The latest photographic special effects
• How to fake studio shots (you’ll be amazed at how it’s done)
• The latest cutting-edge type effects
• The most popular effects used by big movie studios
• The most-requested advertising effects
• Commercial effects that clients go crazy over!
• The most asked-for current Web effects
• Amazing 3D effects using Photoshop Extended
• Plus loads of effects that look hard, but are easy once you know the secrets

And not only that, but the whole book is packed with creative ideas, layouts, and design techniques that will help you unleash your own creativity. It’s all here, in the only Photoshop book of its kind. You're gonna love it!

About the Author
Scott Kelby is president of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), the trade organization for Adobe Photoshop users, which has 70,000 members worldwide. Scott is also Editor and Publisher of Photoshop User magazine. He's the co-host of the highly acclaimed Photoshop User TV, and teaches photography and imaging workshops around the world. Scott serves as training director for the Adobe Photoshop Seminar Tour and is the technical chair of the largest Photoshop gathering, Photoshop World.

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Winamp Pro 5.56

Winamp Pro 5.56 | 14 Mb

Nullsoft Winamp Pro is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity media player for Windows. Winamp supports playback of many audio (MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, MOD, XM, S3M, IT, MIDI, etc) and video types (AVI, ASF, MPEG, NSV), custom appearances called skins (supporting both classic Winamp 1.x/2.x skins and Winamp 3 freeform skins), audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins (including two industry dominating visualization plug-ins), an advanced media library, Internet radio and TV support, CD ripping, and CD burning.

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Follow Me BBC Learning

Follow Me BBC Learning
PDF +5 Audio CDs + 60 Video 2.18 GB


The complete English-teaching video course
1. What’s your name?
2. How are you?
3. Can you help me?
4. Left, right, straight ahead.
5. Where are they?
6. What’s the time?
7. What’s this? What’s that?
8. I like it very much.
9. Have you got any wine?
10. What are they doing?
11. Can I have you name, please?
12. What does she look like?
13. No smoking.
14. It’ on the first floor.
15. Where’s he gone?

Part_1 - Part_2 - Part_3 - Part_4 - Part_5 - Part_6

These are in more little pieces (@52Mb) :
Part_01 - Part_02 - Part_03 - Part_04 - Part_05 -
Part_06 - Part_07 - Part_08 - Part_09 - Part_10 -


16. Going away.
17. Buying things.
18. Why do you like it?
19. What do you need?
20. I sometimes work late.
21. Welcome to Britain.
22. Who’s that?
23. What would you like to do?
24. How can we get there?
25. Where is it?
26. What’s the date?
27. Whose is it?
28. I enjoy it
29. How many and how much?
30. What have you done?

Part_01 - Part_02 - Part_03 - Part_04 - Part_05 -
Part_06 - Part_07 - Part_08 - Part_09 - Part_10


31. Haven’t we met before?
32. What did you say?
33. Please stop!
34. How can I get to Brightley?
35. Where can I get it?
36. There’s a concert on Wednesday
37. What’s it like?
38. What do you think of him?
39. I need someone
40. What were you doing?
41. What do you do?
42. What do you know about him?
43. You shouldn’t do that.
44. I hope you enjoy your holiday
45. Where can I see a football match?

Part_01 - Part_02 - Part_03 - Part_04 - Part_05 -
Part_06 - Part_07 - Part_08 - Part_09 - Part_10


46. When will it be ready?
47. Where did you go?
48. I think it’s awful
49. A room with a view
50. You’ll be ill
51. I don’t believe in strikes.
52. They look tired.
53. Would you like to…?
54. Holiday plans.
55. The second shelf on the left.
56. When you are ready…
57. Tell them about Britain.
58. I liked everything.
59. Classical or modern?
60. Finale.

Part_01 - Part_02 - Part_03 - Part_04 - Part_05 -
Part_06 - Part_07 - Part_08 - Part_09 - Part_10

Book + 5CDs

Part_1 - Part_2 - Part_3 - Part_4

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kertas Kerja Perseorangan (KKP) Diklatpim Tingkat IV Tahun 2009

This is My Kertas Kerja Perseorangan (KKP) Diklatpim Tingkat IV Tahun 2009. Feel free to use my personal paper e-book. Hope this will usefull.
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Gnomon Workshop: Photo Retouching in Adobe Photoshop

Gnomon Workshop: Photo Retouching in Adobe Photoshop [Tutorial] | 570 MB |

Trainer: Meghan FARRELL | Product Code: MFA01 | 157 Minutes of Lecture | For Windows and Mac

With this DVD you will learn the step-by-step process of using Adobe Photoshop® retouching techniques to transform and prepare images for production level commercial photography. Meghan Farrell will walk you through the steps of retouching a fashion shoot as a basis for learning the primary skill sets to make skin and hair look flawless without looking artificial. You will learn how to retouch and maintain natural skin, hair and hands and reshape the body. You’ll be introduced to indispensable methods of using adjustment layers, layer masks and color correction. The techniques demonstrated in this DVD will help you retouch like a professional, whether working on your own images or for those of a client. The cutting edge techniques demonstrated in this DVD will help you stand out when seeking work in this fast-paced industry.
We begin by establishing some basic Photoshop® settings to allow us to work more fluently once we get started.

Working with adjustment layers and masks is really the only way to color correct images in the professional setting. Having a st rong knowledge of how to use masks quickly will be one of your strongest assets when working in the world of photographic retouching.


Using the healing brush and the clone stamp set at various dark/light settings is your best bet for fast touch ups. We are going to be focusing a lot on skin. Remove any large blemishes first and then focus on balancing tone.


For a flawless yet naturally textured look, the burn and dodge tool is the only way to go. Star t by burning in the areas that are too light and dodging out the areas that are too dark unt il the skin is a balanced neutral tone. This goes for zoomed in as well as zoomed out.


Use the dodge and burn, clone and healing brush tool to clean up, reshape and sculpt the eye area. Emphasizing the iris and pupil will create a more dramatic look. Always remove the red from the eye whites, but don’t “white-out” the whites, keep the ball of the eye looking spherical.

Using the brush tool set to a low opacity is great for painting in hair strands. Use the clone stamp or copy and paste method for larger areas of hair. Be sure to match the surrounding areas of hair for color, density and sharpness so nothing stands out as unnatural.


On our second image we will review some of the basics learned in the previous chapters for natural skin clean up.


Skin folds include anything from armpits to hand creases. In this chapter I’ll go over how to smooth and refine the armpit area to create a very natural subtle armpit line. Remember to keep your lines straight and apply the basic skin techniques to the surrounding armpit area.


Once you have removed the object from the background, focus on rebuilding that background so it blends in with the rest of the image. Keep your lines straight. Pay special attention to where tones change and fade into each other. Using the clone tool set to a medium opacity will help you achieve natural looking results.

Even well manicured hands can look rough once photographed, so pay special attention to fingernails, cuticles, knuckles and veins. Clone stamp set to lighten will give you natural looking knuckles.


Using the Liquify filter opens up a new world of possibilities. Learn here how to gently reshape a figure for natural results. Liquify is also a great asset for smoothing lines close-up and can be used on the image as a whole or on selected areas.


Using special techniques to intensify objects gives directors that “POP!” they are looking for.


Sometimes you may need to change the color of an object in an advertisement, especially if the ad is for something that comes in more than one color. Having a good understanding of adjustment layers is essential.

About the Instructor:

Meghan Paddock Farrell received a BFA in Photography from Rhode Island College. Her understanding of the color darkroom process as well as her background in fine art informs her ability to accurately manipulate color, capture the 3D human form and translate these through lighting effects into the 2D space. As the Senior Retoucher at the publishing house of Weider Publications, she oversaw, enhanced and brought tens of thousands of images to a production level, print-ready, status. Her work has been published in hundreds of magazines including Glamour, Allure, Vanity Fair, Los Angeles Magazine, Shape Magazine as well as many more domestic and international titles and advertisements. She has also worked as retoucher at Getty Images, SuperColor Hollywood, and for notable fashion photographers Guilano Bekor, Norman Jean Roy and Ondrea Barbe. Currently she works as an independent contractor for several advertisers and publications including OPI, VIV and others.

The Minimum System Requirements are:

1GHz or faster processor

512 MB RAM

64 MB Video RAM


5 GB of hard disk space

1280 x 1024 display

The Minimum Operating System Requirements are:

Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional,
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional

Apple® Mac® OS X 10.2

This DVD-ROM also requires the Quicktime Movie Player (Version 5.0.5 or higher), and Acrobat Reader (Version 5.0 or higher) in order to view its contents.

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